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Adding an area rug or runner is a simple way to add style to your home. Shop our array of classic and trendy colors, textures, and sizes. From 8x10 area rugs to runners and washable rugs, you’ll find every option within our collection.

Frequently Asked Questions: Area Rugs

What factors should I consider when choosing the right size and style of area rugs?

To find the right area rug for your home, you’ll need to first consider placement. Start by measuring the area and determine whether the rug will need to fit under the living room furniture, span the distance of the hallway, or bring color into a room.

Material also matters. How durable does your new rug need to be? What about easy cleaning? Kids’ rugs and area rugs for living room traffic need to hold up under wear and tear. In this case, you may want to look at washable styles for easy maintenance.

Can you provide information on the materials and cleaning methods for washable rugs?

Always read the label for cleaning instructions. However, washable rugs are usually constructed in one piece out of stain-resistant material. This means that you can simply toss them into the washing machine whenever you need. Wash on cold settings and a gentle cycle with detergent, and air-dry if possible.

Are there rug pads recommended for specific types of flooring?

Sam’s Club has washable area rugs that come with their own skid-resistant backing. You won’t need a rug pad to keep it from slipping on tile and hardwood. Rug pads can also make the rug more comfortable to walk on.

How do I care for and maintain area rugs to ensure longevity?

Keeping your rug clean is key to maintaining its longevity. Here are a few tips to help you keep your area rug fresh:

  • Vacuum regularly to remove dust, dirt, and debris.
  • Rotate your rug quarterly to reduce excess wear and tear on high-traffic areas.
  • Attend to spills promptly by blotting (not rubbing) spots with a damp towel.
  • For non-washable rugs, consider professional cleaning annually.

If you like the long-wearing convenience of washable rugs, Sam’s Club carries other fuss-free home decorations, too. Faux plants make your space look natural and cozy with no upkeep. Decorative pillows help you brighten up a neutral space.